In a bid to restore normalcy in the ‘Michaung’ cyclone-affected areas of Tamil Nadu, Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India (HMSI) today announced a special campaign to alleviate the challenges faced by customers in the state. As part of this initiative, the company has announced Free Vehicle Check-up & Service Drive for all Honda two-wheeler customers in Chennai, Kelambakkam & Guduvancheri cities of Tamil Nadu.
HMSI considers safety of every individual as its priority. To enhance its people centric approach and alleviate the challenges faced by individuals affected by the recent cyclone in the state, this activity has been specially organized for customers whose vehicles require immediate service. This drive will continue till December 25th, 2023.
Honda Authorized Network across Chennai, Kelambakkam & Guduvancheri in Tamil Nadu have been activated to provide free check-up for all flood-affected Honda two-wheelers. HMSI has also deployedMobile Service Vans (MSVs) for supporting the customer at affected areas for their two-wheeler’s service and restoration.
To cope with the requirement of spare parts for repair activities of this magnitude, the company has augmented spare parts inventory at the Chennai warehouse for ready availability of parts. HMSI has triggered SMS to over 5 lakh customers for safeguarding the vehicles in flood area and in case of any damage or support, they can reach us at any of the authorized network.
HMSI customers can enroll their affected vehicles by calling on the company’s toll-free customer care number 1800-103-3434 for enhanced assistance. Specially trained executives have been designated to respond to all customer queries in local language. Customers can also visit their nearest Honda Authorized Network for service support.