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Driving Mr. Lazy! (Part I)

Upfront apologies are due for shamelessly co-opting and tweaking the name of one of my favourite movies of all time—the 1989 Driving Miss Daisy in the header above. In my defense, it not just fits the future contents of this article to the T, but also, it’s so darn ‘punny’.  Yes, much to the horror of most of you auto-junkies and car nuts out there, I am one of those people who simply abhors driving any kind of vehicle, even if it meant to save my life....

Driving Mr. Lazy! (Part II)

Ever since I can remember, there have been two very important maxims that I’ve always tried to live my life by. To paraphrase, one of them is “treat people the way you’d like to be treated” and the other is “a person’s true character is always revealed by the way in which they treat those in the service industry”. The latter mainly engineered for those in constant interaction with every sort of personal service provider, from domestic h...